Friday, July 30, 2010

next gen gadgetry

Great website because it's not showing things that have scheduled releases in 2050. A lot of it looks like stuff that will be available in the next 10 to 15 years.

coolest though is the composing hardware that will transpose what you sing into the proper notes give you the score and play it for you.

social commentary and legalizing pot

An interesting video I stumbled upon. It loses me in the end when the society falls into chaos because someone bans the pleasure inducing flower that the people had discovered. But despite that an entertaining view on the legalization of marijuana.

it's been so long

Ugh. So I've totally failed at posting on this. I would love to be able to say that I had actually been doing something that I was busy or something... anything really. Unfortunately I haven't been. I've just completely failed at keeping this going. So I'm starting again and I'm going to start trying to post regularly even if it's just one thing a day. So in light of my hope of rekindling Mine Eyes I leave you with this really interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about the effects of language on thought processes. I have to be honest this is kind of a cop-out because I posted this on my facebook page a couple days ago. But it's a start right?