Tuesday, July 12, 2011

An Education in Shanghai Street Food…. | Richard and Shu Yuan

An Education in Shanghai Street Food…. | Richard and Shu Yuan

This is the back gate where I regularly eat. It's either there or the front gate depending on what classes I have.

I did a search for the street because I know it's famous for its street food. And shock of shocks there's actually a phot of my favorite place. AND it talks about my two favorite dishes.

My first favorite thing is the northwestern dish, slowcooked pork stuffed in between a sliced pita with chili, cilantro, and cumin. I believe it's called ro xia mo. I don't go to the back gate for this actually. I think the front gate has a better place and only costs 5 kuai... less than a dollar. There is a picture in the article of a man making it.

My other favorite is the pork on the spit. It gets chopped off and stuffed in a chinese pancake with lettuce, chili, and cumin. You can see the pancake and the pita's for the ro xia mo, which get sliced in half, sitting front of the woman. And that's actually the place I get it at.

I usually get that for 8 kuai (about $1.20) ... So so so so good.

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