Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Brief Update... more to come

Hellooo everyone... so I haven't entirely forgotten this blog, PROMISE.

I hope to write several posts this coming week and then get back into the habit of posting more regularly for my final two months here in China.

A brief update:

My first month in Beijing was spent frantically running from class to class, to group field trip, back to class, to dinner and then back to the dorm to do homework. Out of control.

My languages classes lasted for four hours everyday, sometimes six. And then a two hour history class twice a week. AND we also had/have two trips a week, one on wednesdays (with the history class) and one on the weekend.

My schedule has now slowed down a little bit because I'm no longer taking the insane language classes, which as freed up my evenings and calmed down my day to day life a little bit. "But how?!" I hear you all cry from across the world. I'm now doing an internship! It's pretty great. I'm mostly writing articles for the tech-blog side of their website. But I'm also doing research and some other stuff.

I still am taking my Chinese History class and I have Chinese language for two hours on Monday and Friday.

I'm also hoping I can pick up a small tutoring job from this mom I met in the lobby of my dorm the other day. A little spare money never hurt anyone :)

Will write more this weekend!

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