Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Beginning

So this is my first post. I've tried doing this whole blog thing a couple times but I just haven't had the focus or interest to maintain. However, this semester I’ve overloaded my schedule to the point that I need to plan breaks or I could go mad. So I’ve decided to give blogging a shot again. Though counterintuitive I think this will actually be excellent given my breaks usually consist of browsing the Internet and forwarding whatever I find to random people or whoever is online. Now I can share it with the world hah.

I also apologize in advance. I’m sure it will get better over time but when I type quick bursts like I feel I am likely to do on this blog I tend to leave out articles—a, the, etc—thinking they’re in there and I will even go so far as to reread my post or email and I just plain old won’t see them. Which is of course highly frustrating when I am forced to send emails to teachers and I need to send it quick and I end up sending something that just makes me look like a fool. I will of course try not to do this, as it’s embarrassing for me and difficult for you.

And so it begins.


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