Sunday, February 7, 2010

Megatrends author interview

Author of the book "Megatrends" discusses Chinese ideology and western misconceptions of the so called communist state.


  1. The Naisbitts have an interesting perspective on China. They have removed themselves from the us/them dynamic. So either they are truly insightful and seeing the true China we miss from our Western-centric view, or they are total dupes and are apologists for the Red empire.

    Eitherway, it is a novel view and seems to have some truth to it regardless of the perspective. I've met the Naisbitts when I was a ski bum in Telluride. They are both locals basically pulled through my rental shop nearly every day of ski season. Nice folks.


  2. Well it's definitely not the 'Red Empire' It hasn't been for a long time. I was talking to a Chinese History professor today who just got back from China and he agreed with the Naisbitt's perspective.

    He doesn't wouldn't call China socialist or communist. Just capitalist.
