Friday, February 26, 2010

"Mock it Like it's hot"

Actually the funniest damn thing I've seen in months. Basically just this kid reading and summarizing the first Twilight book chapter by chapter... absolutely hysterical

"First thing I notice is that there is actually no explanation at all for why Bella moves to Forks. She starts off by describing Forks and saying its a really really horrible place it has gloomy omnipresent shade, detested Forks she says and shes going there... but bella just goes, there's no reason why....

We get a description of Bella's mum incidentally. Bella says 'My mum looks like me except for short hair and laugh lines,' we don't know what Bella looks like, what a pointless description...

So now it's Bella's first day in school still chapter one. 'It wasn't obvious it was school only the sign which declared it to be Forks High School made me stop,' what would be more obivous than a sign saying it was Forks High School, aaw stupid girl."

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