Saturday, February 13, 2010

so weird

A very odd article about a man being jailed for 6 months for owning Japanese Manga depicting child pornography, abuse and bestiality. I mean it's obviously sick. But jailed for owning cartoons about it. No one is being actually harmed by this.
outlaws cartoons, drawings, sculptures or paintings depicting minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct, and which lack “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.”

It seems right but it's also a little extreme. I suppose it's maybe construed as encouraging the practice in life. But like can you really convict someone for this type of thing. All he's really done when you boil it down is think about these acts. Should really be jailed for thinking about doing something awful, or I suppose in this case, imagining it. You can of course be arrested or charged for conspiring, but this isn't even really 'conspiring to...' do it. I dunno, an interesting question though.
more full version of the article.

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