Monday, February 8, 2010

Jon Stewart in france

I find it interesting that Jon Stewart's reputation—though he insists that he is simply a comedian—isn't just in the US.

La ligue antidiffamation l'a accusé de "diaboliser Obama et de promouvoir des théories conspirationnistes sur son administration". Son dernier ouvrage, Le Bon Sens de Glenn Beck, s'est vendu à un million d'exemplaires. L'écrivain Stephen King l'a surnommé "le jeune frère un peu débile de Satan". De lui, Jon Stewart, l'agitateur de la gauche sur la chaîne Comedy Central, a dit : "c'est le type qui dit tout haut ce que pensent les gens qui ne pensent pas"... Il a gagné 23 millions de dollars en 2009 et ses émissions radiophoniques sont diffusées sur 400 stations FM.

And that in France he is seen as an left-wing agitator. Kind of interesting, because I feel that in America he's held to a very odd standard. Because he has so much influence he should be tougher and less funny, yet at the same time he is fairly hard hitting, AND at the same time he's a nobody because he's just a comedian. In the article there's no mention of him being a comedian or anything. That could just be me reading to deeply into a one sentence mention of a comment he made, but still.

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